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All user-contributed downloadable content hosted on the website and its subdomains is copyright protected by Oliver Büttner and/or Alexander Fiebig. It is licensed only for personal use on computers, cellular phones, and other personal electronic devices. All other uses (whether or not for profit) including redistribution (with or without modification of the original work) is strictly prohibited by law without additional written permission by the copyright holder. Requesting permission if you wish to use user-contributed copyrighted content from the website or its subdomains in any manner other than described above, you MUST obtain written permission from Oliver Büttner and/or Alexander Fiebig. You may do this by submitting an electronic request through a contact form provided on this webite ("Contact Me"). It is important to note that the copyright holder is not obligated to respond to your request for permission to redistribute, profit from, or otherwise use their content in a manner not granted in the license indicated above. If the copyright holder does not explicitly grant you additional permissions (whether because they did not receive your request, ignored it, or denied it) you may NOT legally use their content in any non-licensed form. Failure to respond to your request does NOT imply permission or indifference. Please respect the legal and artistic rights .You should never assume that freely-downloable content is free from copyright restrictions or in the public domain. Thank you for your understanding!

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